
At Long Toft Primary school, our PE curriculum looks like this: 


The National Curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.


At Long Toft, our aims for our Physical Education provision are:

  • Teach children to be more skilful in the way they control their movements and develop co-ordination;  
  • Contribute to children’s social and emotional development, by developing their self confidence and self-esteem;  
  • Develop personal qualities such as commitment, fairness, tolerance, and a concern for others; 
  • Develop personal and social competence and the necessary skills to manage success;  
  • Teach children to cope with losing, and to retain a proper sense of perspective in competition; 
  • Provide out of hours school provision which extends and enriches curriculum provision and provides opportunities for activities which will enable children to make progress;  
  • Provide an environment in which children are committed to PE and sport and make it a central part of their lives; 
  • Develop competence and control in the gross and fine motor skills that children need to take part in PE and sport;  
  • Allow children the opportunity to take part in a range of competitive, creative and challenge-type activities, both as individuals and as part of a team or group;  
  • Ensure children understand that PE and sport are an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle and understand the contribution physical activity has on having a healthy body and mind;  
  • Develop children’s stamina, suppleness, strength and the mental capacity (determination and resilience) to keep going; 
  • Provide links to other areas of the curriculum and wider school, county and national agendas.  


PE lessons at Long Toft primary:

Every child from Y1 to Y6 receives weekly sessions with Active Fusion, where our pupils develop the skills needed to participate in a range of sporting competencies. The collaborative practice between Active Fusion and Long Toft, ensures a bespoke delivery of physical education that centres on showing the health and well-being benefits of an active lifestyle.

Our Active Fusion coach, Tom, works with our adults to coach PE lessons that help us to achieve our curriculum aims. Hiring qualified sports coaches and PE specialists to work alongside teachers, enhances and extends the current opportunities offered to our pupils. We support the vision of Active Fusion that ‘physical activity can improve confidence, happiness and the well-being of every pupil involved.’

Teachers apply the coaching skills used to deliver a further hour of quality PE provision, using half-termly planning documents.

Each of our pupils are expected to wear the correct uniform for their sessions, to ensure we can take part, be safe and stay active. Please click on the Class section on our website, to see our PE uniform expectations.


Being Healthy and active members of society: Our school site and The Daily Mile.

At Long Toft, we strive to provide pupils with greater opportunity to access 60 minutes of sport and physical activity every day.

Our school site has an outdoor gym, trim trail and large playgrounds and field areas. We ensure all children from Y1-6 take part in the Daily Mile to inspire children, support teachers and promote school-based physical activity whilst improving children’s health and well-being. The Daily Mile is 15 minutes when children jog, run or skip, at their own pace, during the school day. Our EYFS outdoor provision reflects the aim of healthy and active children, with areas to develop physical activity and for our children, specific focus on hand/eye co-ordination and confidence building in outdoor areas.

As a school, our children love being outside! If the weather is not on our side, we can use our indoor gym space, sports hall or complete yoga in our classrooms.


This year, Long Toft will be part of the Doncaster School games, participating in Doncaster-wide competitions both face to face and virtually. We are very fortunate to have a large school site, that is ideal for hosting events. We will also develop local competitions, to build on the benefits local collaboration brings. Each year, we have a school Sports Day, where every child, from EYFS TO Year 6, takes part in a range of sporting activities. We strive to develop the local links with clubs what can form the stepping stone for future success. We have previous pupils who have won at the Olympics- their dedication and success inspire our future generations in competitions.


This year, our Year 5 children will attend swimming at Armthorpe Leisure Centre to ensure that by the end of Key Stage 2, Long Toft children are taught to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of 25 metres. They are taught to use a range of strokes effectively including front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke. Children are taught to perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

Additional Provision:

Children have the opportunity to take part in lunchtime and after school clubs, promoting positive sportsmanship qualities through active play. This year, we will offer football, multi-skills and basketball clubs to all children from Year 1 to 6.

Children develop an understanding of how to play within competitive and progressive learning opportunities, building on and applying key game skills learnt in previous coaching experiences with Active Fusion.  

Playground equipment and the design of our outdoor areas are focussed on promoting physical activity in the school day. Playground Leaders and our Active Fusion coach, will continue to promote effective use of the space and equipment.


The School Sport and Activity Action Plan set out government’s commitment to ensuring that children and young people have access to at least 60 minutes of sport and physical activity per day, with a recommendation of 30 minutes of this delivered during the school day (in line with the Chief Medical Officers guidelines which recommend an average of at least 60 minutes per day across the week).

Our curriculum aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children at Long Toft Primary. Our children will learn from us and with us, that an active lifestyle has a positive impact on a healthy body and a healthy mind.
