
At Long Toft Primary school, our Maths curriculum looks like this: 

Statement of Intent:

The 2014 National Curriculum for Maths aims to ensure that all children:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics
  • Are able to reason mathematically
  • Can solve problems by applying their Mathematics



To ensure consistency and progression, Long Toft has recently implemented the DfE approved ‘Power Maths’ scheme. This is fully aligned with the White Rose Maths Long and Medium-term plans and is supported by the school’s ongoing engagement with the DFE funded Maths Hubs programme. This supported practice ensures continuing CPD to ensure that our staff across school understand the pedagogy of the approach and enables collaborative practice between schools.


The Power Maths’ mastery approach values real understanding and richer, deeper learning, above speed. It sees all children learning the same concept in small, cumulative steps, each finding and mastering challenge at their own level. Our children have time to explore and understand a concept at a deeper level. The whole class therefore moves through the curriculum at broadly the same pace, via individual learning journeys.


We implement the intelligent practice model in all of our Maths teaching- using varied methods (concrete, pictorial and abstract) to teach, learn and explain. Calculations are expressed in different ways that require thought and understanding. Our calculation policy sets out clear expectations for each year group to follow, that matches progression of curriculum content and use of manipulatives linked to objectives and units of work. Feedback in maths is constructive, with talk and discussion supporting our ongoing Education and Recovery Curriculum.

In our Maths Learning Journey books, you will see additional practice of year group specific content. Such as:

  • Daily arithmetic practice to support our metacognitive functions. Re-visiting previous learning, to recall key skills or methods.
  • Additional weekly SATs-style arithmetic practice in Year 5 and 6, so that scores can be tracked and children supported according to need.
  • Times Tables challenges in Year 3 and 4 to support the preparation for the Multiplication Times tables Check in Year 4.
  • Evidence of same-day interventions focused on keeping up now, not catching up later.

In our lessons, our children will:

  • Be actively engaged in their learning- discussion and sharing understanding is key to driving the power of reasoning and problem solving. We will use full sentences when reasoning, explaining or discussing our maths. This helps both speaker and listeners to make their own understanding clear.
  • Use manipulatives when new concepts are introduced and understand how they can support their mathematical understanding.
  • Solve problems that are related to real-life contexts, as our whole school intent statement explains- ensuring our young people are have the life skills they need to excel in the wider world.
  • Apply their knowledge in a topic maths lesson, to ensure their maths curriculum comes to life. At Long Toft our curriculum links ensure metacognitive ‘sticky knowledge’ is embedded in all subjects- maths is everywhere!
  • Use Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars to improve and embed their number knowledge, at home and in school. We love taking part in whole school competitions, that really challenge the speed and recall of our number facts.

Progression in Maths:

At Long Toft, we follow the Power Maths curriculum which is supported by the use of the NCETM progression grids and the DFE Maths guidance for Key Stage 1 and 2 July 2020. These grids help us to ensure work is pitched at an appropriate level and support the inclusion of problem solving and reasoning opportunities to ensure mastery is achieved. They also help us identify gaps in learning and support our pupils’ learning journey. We have revisited the RTP statements from the above DfE Maths guidance, to ensure classroom practice, planning and intervention reflect the emerging needs of cohorts and individuals, in response to school closures and home learning.
